
Akashic Records Trilogy

Happy Monday, Alchemists!

I’m sure you’ve heard about the Akashic Records. We’ve even had discussions around it, here, on Reiki Radio. But today we are exploring how this realm of consciousness can be used as a practical resource on your path and who may enter.

Holly is an Ascension Visionary who passionately works in the Akashic Records, as a Conscious Channel and Founder of the Universal Sphere®. She’s taught spiritually-striving individuals from all over the globe to access their own Akashic Records, learn to channel, and work with Multidimensional Frequencies via the Universal Sphere. She’s facilitated thousands of 1:1 sessions with clients from all walks of life.

She is here to impart her deep understanding, gained from consistent work on both a personal and professional level, to give everyone the confidence to know that they, too, can be successful working in these sacred, spiritual and personally empowering dimensions. Be sure to download her free gift, Align with Your Highest Potential and join the upcoming Akashic Records Trilogy class on May 4th,

Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Kali Ki Reiki

Hi Alchemist!


Today you will meet Joni Dittrich, Ph.D. (Rajashree Maa), author of “May the Loveforce Be With You ~ Kali-Ki Reiki: Healing through Divine Mother and Yogic Wisdom.” The book introduces Ki Reikiâ for healing and consciousness expansion. As a yogi, meditator, and retired psychologist, Rajashree Maa sees true healing as a gateway to spiritual “wisening” and realization of the Limitless Love within us all. Her DROPPP (Deep Release of Persistent Pain Patterns) Method is a gentle and potent treatment for trauma release. She heads The Wisdom School in the Bay Area, where she offers online and in-person healing and training in Kali-Ki Reiki. Learn more on her website


Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Reiki and the Human Psyche

Hi, Alchemist!

On today's episode we explore Reiki and the Human Psyche, with Vlad Dimancea, Vlad is a Reiki enthusiast who has been studying this practice from a young age. In the last two decades he's gathered knowledge from participating in a vast number of Reiki courses, seminars, and events, eventually gaining the Master-Teacher in multiple systems such as Usui, Karuna, Shamballa, and Gendai Reiki.

Even though his passion for Reiki remains, Vlad didn't stop there as he became initiated in other practices such as Radiesthesia, Awakening the Illuminated Heart, and Tantric Healing meditations. He's also an avid traveler with a strong desire to explore and understand various cultures and the unseen connections between people. Now Vlad is teaching Reiki and offering spiritual related content on his website, which contains 100+ articles, courses, and newsletters. Visit to learn more, and you can enroll in his newsletter at

You can also get "The Ultimate Reiki Symbols Guide" book from

Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

The Brilliance of Reiki - I Can't Help But Love It!

Hello, Alchemist!

No matter how far we go in practice, and no matter how many years, Reiki can still wow us in its brilliance. It's definitley an amazing system, for so many reasons, and I want to explore some thoughts on this as a way of acknowledging my gratitude for Reiki and Usui Sensei. After the episode, please share your experiences with me - or

Energy of March 2024 | Dreams and Actions

March 2024: Dreams and Action (Expanded Vision)

Focus: Spirituality and New Beginnings

King of the Month: Pisces

Element: Water

Mode: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Jupiter / Neptune

HIGHLIGHTS: Spring Equinox, International Astrology Day


Isn’t life magical? When you allow yourself to flow beyond limitation and delve deep into the sea of Piscean imagination, you create from a space of dream-like wonder. It’s romantic and whimsical, supporting your ability to adapt and merge with the ever-changing tides of what is seen…and unseen. Be careful not to dance too closely with delusion.

The sign of the fish, swimming in a circular pattern, creates a vortex of heightened awareness, pulling you out of perceived reality and into the realms of higher-consciousness. If you tune in, you will recognize your psychic vision with more clarity. This will help you discern what is true.

What would it take for you to lose all illusions of separation? Neptune rules Pisces, which is the planet of mysticism and transcendence. Connect with this energy and you will soon find that reality is the dream, and the dream has always been reality. A word of caution: the lines become blurred and uncomfortable unless you can take this energy for what it is; pure magic.

If you find yourself caught in indecision, be sure to check in with the flow of your emotions. What do you feel and how is this influencing your perspective? Are you swimming in logic or feeling…and can you find the balance in between? Pisces is adaptable, but this energy can cause confusion and tension when there is a forceful push to be definitive before the stream of emotions have settled.


The Piscean Gift: May you come to realize that magic is not magic at all; it is merely what you have yet to understand, and the Universe is full of the unknown, waiting to feed your curiosity. May you be so full of compassion, acknowledging your empathic nature, that you KNOW you are one with all in existence…and that the real magic is, and has always been, you.


Events of the Month...


Alchemist of the Month:

  • March 10th: New Moon in Pisces - infinite possibility


Sun Enters Aries, International Astrology Day AND Spring Equinox:

  • March 19th: spark of new life, renewal, illumination


Spring Equinox/Renewal: As you begin to realize what is no longer true for you, and begin to align with deeper understanding of who and what you are, you may feel an urge to release. Yes, you can call it “spring-cleaning”, but its more of an expansion of light. Feel your radiance as you let it go and let it flow, renewing your ways of being.


Queen of the Month:

  • March 25th: Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, in Libra - balance between self and others


Upcoming Classes:

·      March 9th: LIVE Mastermind for students of Spiritual Business Development

·      March 10th: LIVE practice and review for students of Pulse of Reiki


Download The Energetic Alchemist app and join me, Tuesdays, for The Reiki Round Tables. Then get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle and Reiki merch at! xo

Is There a Recipe for Reiki?

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

Don't forget to subscribe to Reiki Radio on your favorite podcast platform and leave us a FIVE STAR review, helping others to find these episodes. AND, join me for the FREE Reiki-Chat, Round Tables on available on app.

You can also learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, download the app, and get your limited-edition oracle deck, at

Reiki and Your Intuition

Happy Jupiter Day, Alchemist!

Today, it's just me and you. I'm here to discuss one of the most common questions I'm asked about Reiki...if it has anything to do with intuition. I have a lot to say about this from two lenses; first, what the system of Reiki is pointing to, including techniques, PLUS my opinions that are based on personal experiences through practice. Are you ready? I can't wait to hear your thoughts, so be sure to email me after the episode. Also download The Energetic Alchemist App and sign up for the newsletter at

In gassho and gratitude,


Quest for Truth | Energy of December 2023

December 2023: Quest for Truth

Focus: Expansion and Exploration

King of the Month: Sagittarius

Element: Fire

Mode: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

HIGHLIGHTS: Neptune, Chrion, and Jupiter Direct, Mercury Retrograde, Winter Solstice, 33 Portals and Mercury Cazimi

The year is ending and it’s time to celebrate! Do not let holiday stress become your stress. Instead, tap into the adventurous energy of Sagittarius and set your sights on what’s to come. This sign is considered lucky, so whatever you choose to focus on, your aim will be perfection. What are you aiming for? Check your thoughts and keep them positive! Let wonder flow through your veins as you wander towards new horizons! With all of the holiday excitement and chaos, you may also find yourself with a mouthful of things that would be better left unsaid (or rephrased).

Sagittarius is known to have both feet in its mouth, so be mindful of your choice of words. Even if you believe what you want to say is true, consider the impact and your motivation. Only some can appreciate the directness of fire signs, while others walk away feeling burned. Being ruled by Jupiter, this fiery sign encourages us to explore in ways that feed the mind. Yes, Sagittarius is a lot of fun, but this energy is also intellectual and inspires higher learning. Consider what you want to understand, or what you would like to teach. And since this sign is mutable, you may want to try your hand at both, studying and teaching. Why not? Any limitations are created in the mind. Acknowledge the challenges for what they are; lessons. Empower yourself by choosing to consciously create the life you’re living. Welcome the New Year with a heart full of love and possibility!

The Sagittarian Gift: May you understand that life was never about suffering, but about the joy woven through the excitement of the unknown. May you seek wisdom that makes no man right or wrong, but realizes that all men are destined for adventure, allowing the spirit to roam free while studying his/her existence.

Events of the Month...

December 6th: Neptune Direct, in Pisces

December 12th: New Moon in Sagittarius

December 12th/13th: Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn, Then in Sagittarius on the 23rd December

21st/22nd: Sun in Capricorn, Winter Solstice and Mercury Cazimi

December 26th: Full Moon in Cancer

December 30th: Jupiter Direct Spiritual Awakening, Creativity and Reflection

33 Portals

12/3 Portal of Progression

12/12 Portal of Creativity

12/21 Portal of Reflection

12/30 Portal of Revision

REGISTER FOR PULSE OF REIKI at Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Dialog with the Soul

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

We are rounding out this month with another insightful conversation, with founder of Awaken Harmony, Carla Fernandes. We discuss her three step formula; unpacking trauma, getting to know true nature and aligning with divine purpose.

Carla is a Reiki Teacher, hypnotherapist, author and coach. She found her way into alternative practices and concepts when all emanations of her life were screaming for healing. In our conversation, Carla shares her incredible story, as well as what she now offers to support awakening harmony in all areas of life and being.

To learn more about Carla and work, visit and follow her on IG @awakenharmony8

You can also learn more about my work at and download The Energetic Alchemist app. For free content, sign up for my newsletter and follow me on IG @reikiradio

If you gain any insights or enjoy this episode, be sure to leave a rating and review, and share with your community. I truly appreciate it! xo

What Reiki Reveals

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

What has Reiki revealed to you, about you? Today we have an incredible conversation with Eboni Banks, who discovered her gift of clairtangency through Reiki. This is one clair that I hadn’t heard of prior to this conversation, but like me, I believe some of you will relate and realize you’ve encountered this clair, too.

Eboni Banks is an Intuitive Healer, Coach and Author. As a trauma survivor, she has learned to use spiritual resources to support her own healing and has allowed healing to be a space in which she thrives. She now teaches more people how to do the same, accessing their intuition for healing and creating their desired lives. Learn more about Eboni’s work and upcoming book, The Intuitive Nudge, at and on IG @intuitiveeboniwrites

You can also learn more about my work at and download The Energetic Alchemist app. If you gain any insights or enjoy this episode, be sure to leave a rating and review, and share with your community. I truly appreciate it! xo

This Is What Happened...

Happy Monday, Alchemist -

Pull up and get comfortable because this is a conversation amongst friends. Let us tell you what happened…

After the episode, connect with DeAndrea at and Amy at You can also learn more about my work at, download The Energetic Alchemist app and grab your early bird, all access pass to The Global Reiki Healing Summit.

If you gain any insights or enjoy this episode, be sure to leave a rating and review, and share with your community. xo

Cosmic Phenomenon

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

Today we are going behind the books, with author and teacher, Nicholas Pearson. After having the opportunity to interview Nicholas several times, I became curious about his personal practice, his inspirations and his personal thoughts about “the work”. In this conversation, he opens up about what’s beneath, beyond and because of his incredible research and relationship to Reiki, crystals and more. Among the foremost experts on crystals, Nicholas combines his extensive background in mineral science with a love of healing, spirituality, and folklore to illustrate the healing properties of gemstones.

As an avid Reiki practitioner and shihan, Nicholas is also passionate about understanding the roots of the system of Reiki, which we will also discuss. After the episode, sign up for his newsletter at to get notified of crystal masterclasses, free monthly Reiki shares, Reiki certification opportunities and more.

You can also learn more about my work at, download The Energetic Alchemist app and join The Alchemy Circle. And if you gain any insights through this episode, be sure to share with your community. Enjoy! xo

Entering the Dark Season, Energy of October 2023

Beautiful Alchemist...

We are officially in the season of autumn; the portal into the darkness. There are so many amazing lessons and realizations that come through our night vision, supporting us in seeing and understanding the gifts within the shadows.

Some Call It Spooky Season...

Eh. Like all things, it depends on how we choose to see and how we translate what is seen. Perception can be blurred if we try to see through the lens of summer. Again, it's time to embrace night vision for the teachings of autumn and winter. Here's a quick overview of what we will be invited to acknowledge:

Libra: Harmonizing Oppositions in Life and Relationships
Scorpio: Death and Rebirth of Consciousness
Sagittarius: Quest of Higher Wisdom (Truth)

Capricorn: Reestablishing Structures and Owning Lessons for Success
Aquarius: Reclaiming Own Way, for Sake of All
Pisces: Dissolving Illusion of Separation, Through All Space/Time

Not So Spooky, Right?

But, yes, it can be uncomfortable. Some phases and stages of life are meant to push, pull, disrupt and teach the harder lessons. There is still an opportunity to recognize the true gift of being guided beyond self-imposed restrictions, fears, doubts and worries.

In the Energy of the Month video (below), I discuss how the Sun card, in The Energetic Alchemist Oracle, reflects the ability to walk with our own shadow, without fear. In our innocence, there's no separation between our light and dark; it's JUSTified as simply BEing.

Hello, Gokai

Just for Today
Be Free From Anger
Be Free From Worry
Be Grateful
Be Diligent/Honest In Your Way (Practice)
Be Kind

Sounds Good, But How?

And we're right back to the gifts of phase one (autumn) of the dark season: 

  • The mirroring of nature in the allowance of "fall"; What's falling away for you?

  • The reflections through relationship to ALL you may encounter, finding harmony in difference and opposition - how does two become one? 

  • Reclaiming your strength and power to aim into the depths of the unknown; the quest for Truth

The "work" is how. The allowance is how. The choice is where we begin.

You're invited to join me for meaningful, understanding of the healing processes within the dark. I will be hosting an online course, Thinning of the Veil, beginning October 4th - November 1st. We will explore your night vision and gifts of the Dark Goddess.

The Ultimate Healing Guide for Reiki Practitioners and Energy Healers

The Ultimate Healing Guide

 What if this changes your life…

For the first time, ever, I'd love you to join me for a three-day, LIVE, online course! I'm going to share information and give you step-by-step guidance through techniques that support you in self-healing practices, plus techniques to support other people in healing spaces.

  • NO MORE QUESTIONING abilities, use of techniques or gifts of energy-healing!

  • NO MORE ATTACHMENTS to stories, expectations and misunderstanding of energy-work!

  • FINALLY ALLOW energy to become the teacher, guide and doer!

Some of the process will be Reiki focused, although we will also go beyond the realms of this beautiful technique. The class will take place August 25th - 27th. Register now so that I can provide you the BEST content and experiences.

Three-Day, Online Masterclass (Energy Clearings and Transformations):

  • Self-Healing Practices and Guided Applications

  • Various Techniques to Support Energy Healing for Others

  • Channeled Lectures and Q&A

  • PLUS Guided Journey's to Shift and Lift Energetic Frequencies

I'm Excited to Show You Easy and Phenomenal Ways to:

  • Identify and understand energetic imbalances

  • Learn how and why to harmonize entire system: mind, emotions, body, energy

  • Use my channeled process, Chakra Mirroring, to support energetic balance and unification

  • Easy techniques to help better understand intuitive recognition and translation

  • Clear/transform energies AND uplift energetic frequencies...

    …while coming into alignments that support highest possibilities and potential!

Friday - Sunday (August 25th-27th)

  • 9am - 3pm PST

  • 12pm - 6pm EST

  • 5pm - 11pm UK

You Don’t Want to Miss This…

Activate membership in the Alchemy Circle, which includes access to The Ultimate Healing Guide: CLICK HERE!

Or to just join the masterclass, CLICK TO REGISTER AND SAVE YOUR SEAT:

Tea and Smoke Readings

Happy Monday, Beauty!

We hear a lot about divination, but there are also a lot of misconceptions around this art form. Today you will learn more from an amazing diviner and artist, Rissa Miller, who works with divination in ways you may have never heard of or seen before. Rissa holds a deep reverence for plants and the answers they offer, whether as tasseographs in a teacup, smoke in the air, a healing salve for the skin, a plant on the windowsill, or nourishment for the body. She's also a published author and poetess and has had several plays produced in the mid-Atlantic area.

Find Rissa leading ghost tours or giving history talks at her job with Maryland History Tours, or learn about her work as a food editor at Vegan Journal. In her career, she’s worked for five publications and studied writing at New York University/Tisch School of the Arts and photojournalism at Western Kentucky University. Rissa currently studies clinical herbalism (online) at Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine and Herbal Academy, concurrently. Learn more about her work at

If you enjoy the episode, subscribe to this channel, and share with your community. Then download The Energetic Alchemist app! Learn more at and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

The Energy Work of Feng Shui

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

If you’ve listened to the podcast for a while, you’ll remember today’s guest, Anjie Cho. She has authored a phenomenal new book, Mindful Homes: Create Healing Living Space with Mindfulness and Feng Shui. The book title is an understatement! After reading this book, I could not wait for this conversation. I was expecting to learn more about ways to arrange furniture, and/or object placement for good luck, but this book was so much more. It was a lesson in energy work! You will learn about the meaning of feng shui, explore the teachings of yin and yang, plus the lessons of the five elements. The book is beautiful, and you will learn a lot in this conversation. Grab a pen and get ready to come into deeper relationship with you and your environments.

Anjie is a creator of holistic spaces, specifically focused on designing interiors and teaching feng shui and meditation. She's guided thousands of people to harmonize their living spaces through the ancient practice of feng shui. Anjie is the feng shui expert at The Spruce, co-founder of the Mindful Design Feng Shui School, co-host of the Holistic Spaces podcast, and owner of Anjie Cho Architect. She’s the author of two books Holistic Spaces and Mindful Homes, both available on AMAZON. Learn more about Anjie and her work at and follow on Instagram @anjiecho

If you enjoy the episode, subscribe to this channel, and share with your community. Then download The Energetic Alchemist app! Learn more at and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Reiki Blog | Challenge Your Beliefs

Morning Musings to support your personal energetic alchemy, available on The Energetic Alchemist App!

To access Creating with the Moon and Stars, FREE, sign up for my newsletter at

If there's a topic you'd like me to explore, let me know:

To activate membership in the Alchemy Circle, CLICK HERE, or access drop-in classes here on the app! xo

How to Support Your Reiki Practice

Hello, Alchemist!

Did you know there are some simple ways to support your Reiki practice?

1. Download The Energetic Alchemist App

2. Join me for Reiki Radio Roundtables on Tuesday's

3. Activate Your Membership in the Alchemy Circle

4. Subscribe to my newsletter for FREE access to 22 Days of Transformation

I look forward to working with you! Yolanda Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Be Present in Your Purpose

Happy Monday, Alchemist…

How many times have you questioned life, your direction…your purpose?

Today you will learn through the wisdom of yoga, as expressed through international teacher, Troy Hadeed. Troy and I sat for a love-filled chat that will inspire you to breathe into exactly where you are now, while simultaneously being open to the expansion of all possibility. Troy lives in the forested, North Coast of Trinidad, among a community of hummingbirds. Before dedicating the last fifteen years of his life to teaching yoga, Troy attended the University of Tampa, graduated with a degree in business, opened Trinidad’s first Hemp store and started a biofuel business. Now he nurtures a beautiful yoga studio and community known as One Yoga Trinidad, which has recently been rebranded as

Troy has recently completed his first book, scheduled to launch in April/May 2023, and has a library of yoga classes available on Gaia. You can also attend yoga classes with Troy in Trinidad or join him for an upcoming Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) in September 2023. If you can’t make it to Trinidad, enjoy online classes through his studio. Visit for more details.

If you enjoy the episode, subscribe to this channel and share with your community. Then download The Energetic Alchemist app! Learn more at , and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

The School of Good Juju

Happy Monday, Alchemist

Get ready for some more learning today! The beauty of this work, practices and traditions within the realm of spirituality, is that we learn so much cross-culturally. We learn about history, our ancestors and we’re inspired to continue healing for the sake of true lineage (ALL).

On this episode I got to chat with Angela Smith, founder of The Zen Dragonfly, and School of Good Juju. Angela is a Spiritual Doula, devoted to nurturing deep healing in men and women through therapeutic yoga, reiki, meditation, and life coaching. She also teaches the power of Black Folk Traditions, which you’ll learn more about in our discussion.

Angela facilitates healing circles, private and group classes for ritual, ceremony, reiki and crystal reiki, to assist others in becoming empowered healers. Angela lives in Milwaukee, WI, in a 1897 well-loved and infused with magick home. Learn more about her work at

If you enjoyed the episode, subscribe to this channel and share with your community. Then download The Energetic Alchemist app! Learn more at , and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo