energetic alchemy

The Emerald Tablets | Book Exploration, with The Energetic Alchemist

The Emerald Tablets, Translated by Doreal

Compendium of the Emerald Tablets, by Billy Carson

Both available on Amazon

Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at http://theenergeticalchemist.com, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Energy of February 2023

February 2, 2023

  • Imbolc: What's being nurtured "in the belly" of your being?


February 5, 2023

The Queen, Full Moon in Leo: Get into the heart for the benefit and allowance of your SHINE!


February 18, 2023

Sun Enters Pisces: Be mindful of your merger. What are you being ONE with in thought, energy or action?


February 19, 2023

The Alchemist, New Moon in Pisces: Acknowledge your dreams; the messages, visions and sensations!


Community: Download The Energetic Alchemist App (Apple App Store and Google Play) to explore your relationship to energetic alchemy, including live events and guided journeys!

New Expression: Spiritual Business Development: Register before Feb 3rd to receive 50% off, PLUS join me for SBD Mastermind, March 16th. Use coupon code: NEWYEAR

Energy of January 2023 | Restructure and Innovate

Hello, Alchemist...

Happy New Year! 2023 is going to be pinnacle to your spiritual development. Here's the energy of January 2023, and if you want to have access to energy updates every month, be sure to sign up for my newsletter at http://theenergeticalchemist.com

Highlight's of the month:

  • Full Moon in Cancer, January 6th

  • Sun Enters Aquarius, January 20th

  • New Moon in Aquarius, January 21st

  • Lunar New Year (Year of the Rabbit), January 22nd

Also get your Energetic Alchemist Oracle decks and sign up for online classes through my website. Reiki classes will be coming up later in the year. I look forward to working with you! Cheers to a happy, magical and prosperous new year! xo

Misconceptions of Divine Energies

Happy Monday, alchemist!

Heather Allison joins us today to discuss the misconceptions of the divine feminine and masculine, as well as how these energies play into our healing work. She also describes the primordial feminine and why she created a mystery school, Golden Goddess.

Heather considers herself a Destiny Accelerator for those who feel they are here for a bigger impact, a more beautiful life, and a Sacred Purpose. She experienced a sudden Spiritual Awakening at the age of 40, and then start teaching the deep Feminine, Archetypal, Energetic and Consciousness principles she receives from what she calls her Cosmic Team. To learn more about Heather and her work, visit http://primordialfeminine.com or find her on IG @iamheatherallison

…and don't forget to join me for upcoming classes, register for the Reiki Healing Summit and get your limited-edition, The Energetic Alchemist Oracle deck, at http://theenergeticalchemist.com

The Way of Reiki

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

Do you have any idea of what the system of Reiki is pointing you towards? Today we have a conversation with one of my teachers, Frans Stiene, exploring the teachings outlined in his latest book, The Way of Reiki: The Inner Teachings of Mikao Usui.

Frans is an international Reiki Teacher and Author, living in Holland. He is the co-founder of International House of Reiki and Shibumi International Reiki Association. Frans has been a major influence in global research on the system of Reiki since the early 2000’s. His practical understanding of the Japanese influences within the system have allowed students, globally, to connect deeply with this practice.

As always, our conversation is full of laughter and beautiful insights to support you in your practice and understanding of Reiki. You can learn more about Frans and his work at http://ihreiki.com and purchase his book, The Way of Reiki: The Inner Teachings of Mikao Usui, on Amazon.

Also go to my website, http://theenergeticalchemist.com, to register for the Reiki Rays, Global Healing Summit. And while you’re there, grab your copy of my new oracle deck, The Energetic Alchemist Oracle!

Alchemy of the Oracle

Once the seeker has accepted the path of awakening, their sensory expands and they become aware of who they are, and have always been, in new ways. You’re here, right? You are finding ways to understand your empathic nature, what it means to be both physical and non-physical. You are starting to experiment with your intuitive recognition, wanting to trust your higher-guidance, as you heal and transform.

You’re now ready to embrace your role as the Oracle; the one who is no longer seeking externally but knows that the path must evolve into understanding your own True Nature.

As such, you realize that harmonizing above and below allows you to become a mediator between the realms.

The gift in your healing and alignment is that you also have an opportunity to support others through the processes from seeking to understanding.

When I was creating this deck, I envisioned a group of students, Oracles, who would be ready to use the cards as coaching tools and to help facilitate group work. I look forward to sharing these teachings with you, guiding you towards your own oracle alignment.

Space Is Limited In This Certification…Register ASAP to Reserve Your Spot!

If you want to support others on the path of self-mastery and energetic alchemy, this certification will support you in clarifying your work and helping others clarify their own paths. This is not just about reading; it’s coaching and energy-work!

Using the combination of my work as a Usui Reiki Ryoho, Master-Teacher, and being certified as a Wellness Counselor, through Cornell University, this course is designed to support you in becoming an effective Oracle Coach, with focus on client development and wellness. Because of the extensive content, level of training and practice, this course is limited to 22 participants.

This Certification Course Includes:

  • Alchemy of the Seeker (Seven Modules)

  • Alchemy of the Oracle (Fourteen Modules)

Module One: Mediator Between the Realms

Module Two: Dynamics of Oracle Coaching

Module Three: Keys to Guided Journeys and Sacred Writing

BONUS Module: Unlocked After Completion of Module Three

Module Four: Deeper Expressions of EOE

Module Five: Diving Into Realms of Duality

*Incorporation of Energetic Alchemy

Module Six: Keys to Establishing

Module Seven: Keys to Refining

Module Eight: Keys to Understanding

Homework: M.E. Project

Module Nine: Alchemical Sessions & Communication

BONUS Module: Unlocked After Completion of Module Nine

*Practice Sessions

Module Ten: Activating Fire

Module Eleven: Activating Water

Module Twelve: Activating Air

Module Thirteen: Activating Earth

BONUS Module: Unlocked After Completion of Module Thirteen

Module Fourteen: Homework Prep and Practice

BONUS: Content Creation

Register now and begin with Alchemy of the Seeker on the Winter Solstice (prerequisite, included). Complete Alchemy of the Seeker at your own pace, prior to starting Alchemy of the Oracle.

Alchemy of the Seeker

A seeker can roam aimlessly, hoping to find answers to questions not yet asked. Why?

Because as you begin to awaken, you can feel and sense that there’s more beyond what you’ve known or understood.

You begin to wonder if you’re on the right path. You question the meaning of life and there’s a sudden urge to follow new roads, but you don’t have clear direction. You’ll even begin to wonder if those around you can feel or sense the same mysteries of the unknown. If they also feel that there’s more to life than the routines that are becoming uncomfortable and no longer feel aligned or resonant with your heart. The soul is emerging, it has been activated into your conscious awareness: allow yourself to remember beyond the teachings and programing of illusion.

A conscious seeker knows the hidden wisdom is within but is merely trying to find the key to unlock their own inner-knowing. This is where the wisdom of the cards come in, acting as little arrows and clear guides to support you in seeing and knowing beyond your blind-spots.

The cards are tools, teachers, that help you translate the whispers of your higher-mind.

Beyond bias, fear, denial and attachments, you may use the oracle to clarify what IS, so that you may make choices from a space of understanding.

This is a foundational course, teaching you how to read oracle intuitively. Yes, the guidebook will help you understand meanings, but to translate cards accurately, you must learn the art of intuitive reading.

In this course you’ll learn techniques to not only build a deeper relationship with The Energetic Alchemist Oracle, but how to build a beautiful relationship with your intuitive-self.

This Course Includes:

Module One: The Seeker: Anatomy of Questions

Module Two: Intuitive Communication

Module Three: Understanding Language of the Cards

Module Four: Relationship Building for Clarity and Trust

Module Five: Spreads and Storytelling

Module Six: Reading for Self and Others

BONUS Module: Unlocked After Completion of Module Six

Module Seven: Homework Prep and Practice

Register now to join Alchemy of the Seeker

Navigate the Season, Intuitively

Hello, beautiful alchemist…

Wherever you are in the world, is there any evidence of the shift in season? Living in Southern California, it still feels like summer with cloudless skies and the need for air conditioning in the afternoon. While this is nice, I remember growing up with fall being my favorite time of year because of the changes. Yes, summer breaks were the best, but I was always mesmerized by the gorgeous change of leaves, crisp romantic air and big cozy coats. It felt like an imaginative time, a time to get lost in books, curl up with a blanket and watch my favorite movies. It was a time to settle down after the playfulness of summer, which was more focused on the external world.

No matter the weather, is something in you feeling the shift and welcoming of autumn?

There’s a certain kind of magic with the change of each season, the energy of each season, and what each season mirrors for our personal processes of growth, release and progression. What I love about this particular cycle is that it emphasizes recognition of harvest. We’re invited to acknowledge all that was gained and experienced in the fruitfulness, warmth and illumination of summer, taking stock of what is ripe and nourishing, while also noting what we may be clinging to that would better serve us in letting go.

Balance In All Things…

This is also the season that highlights our need for harmony and the alchemical nature of relationship. The sun is now illuminating the essence of Libra, offering the lessons of you and other as ONE.

  • How are you relating to others, situations and things?

  • How are you navigating relationships, partnerships or collaborations?

  • How are you balancing work, self-care and family?

  • How are you harmonizing mind, body and energy?

The good news is that we have nature, spiritual practices and community to support us. We have been designed to sense, feel and understand expressions of divine intelligence (form and formless) to help guide us through these cycles of transition and change. This is why your relationship to intuition is vital, understanding the dance and unification of intuitive and analytical mind (heaven and earth). When you are clear, receptive and aware of how you (how nature) are moving forward, there’s no need to resist THE WAY forward. It's not always easy, but that’s where our tools come in.

My go-to for clarity has been meditation. The connection to breath and slowing the mind into observation, rather than calculation, brings phenomenal states of peace. From this space, the analytical and intuitive kiss and become other. Consciousness elevates into awareness of all as no-thing. This state of being makes room for inspiration, guidance and knowing. It’s beyond confusion, but as you sink back into decision making mode, the analytical mind resumes its state of opposition with intuition…which often leads to doubt.

How to Establish Trust

Relationship building takes time, patience, willingness and diligence. Just as it takes time to get to know and understand others, it takes time to re-know and understand YOU beyond old stories, patterns and frequencies.

As you come into relationship with spiritual practices, such as Reiki and meditation, you begin establishing a new relationship with you and all. You become more aware of your intuitive and energetic sensory. You begin to have new understanding and insights that you may have never experienced before, so of course the analytical mind jumps in to assess…until it’s properly trained and translation of the intuitive is understood.

The first tool to help me learn the language of my intuitive mind was oracle cards. The images, symbolism, numbers, colors and even key words, bring the intuitive and analytical into co-resonance. Oracle cards help to validate your intuitive knowing, like a non-biased friend. Even more, they allow your intuitive mind to bring your blind spots into clear view.

What have you been considering or questioning lately that you'd LOVE clarity around?

*images by Amy Sage, @amy.sage.reiki

Imagine having a tool, a guide, that can reveal to you what IS from:

  • the lens of your intuitive knowing

  • the lens of your higher mind

  • the frequencies of energetic coding that surround you, your thoughts, emotions and situations

It has been almost three weeks since the launch of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle, and I am so thankful for the feedback and responses so far. Each deck is full of symbolism, art and intention that speaks directly to you, beyond any limitations or attachments of lower-mind. I also infuse each deck with Reiki, in connection to you personally, clarifying connection between you and your deck, so that messages may be translated with more clarity and understanding. Because of this, it should be no surprise that many people have shared feeling the energy and deep connection to the cards as soon as they work with them! Again, I’m deeply grateful, as the cards are doing their job!


I also understand that some of you want to go deeper, learning how to trust your own translations, reading cards beyond the book, and allowing your intuition to weave the stories of the cards together for crystal clear understanding that you know and feel as true.

The offerings of Alchemy of the Seeker and Alchemy of the Oracle are available for enrollment today. This was very intentional, as they are offerings that mirror the essence of the equinox:

  • relationship building (with self, intuition and cards)

  • harmonizing analytical and intuitive as one

  • acknowledging the wisdom of your path and THE WAY forward

  • holding space to cultivate relationship with others, as a clear channel and guide

Alchemy of the Seeker is a foundational course, where Alchemy of the Oracle is more advanced and includes Alchemy of the Seeker. Be sure to order your deck before classes begin!

Click on the images below to learn more and register for the course that resonates with you and your path at this time…

I look forward to working with you. Cheers to your illumination and clarity!

With love and gratitude,