
The Illumination Code

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

We’ve explored intuitive development before, but today’s guest is an avid researcher and author, illuminating the scientific evidence that supports this aspect of your human nature and design. We’re talking about how to unlock your quantum intelligence and ways to recognize your relationship with universal intelligence.

Kim Chestney is the author of The Illumination CodeRadical Intuition, and The Psychic Workshop. As the founder of IntuitionLab and the CREATE! Festival, her work raises awareness about the importance of insight in the evolution of individual and world consciousness. Working for nearly twenty years in the tech sector, Chestney has led initiatives with some of the top thought leaders, technology companies, and universities in the world. She lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Visit her online at and her online school at – the class, Inner Magic, starts May 7th!

Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and register for the Reiki Retreat in San Diego! Also order your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle and sign up for the newsletter while you're there! xo

The Language of Lenormand

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

Have you ever heard of Lenormand? There are many ways to communicate with higher frequencies of consciousness, and cards are a popular way of translating the energies of what IS. You’re probably familiar with oracle or tarot, but there’s another system called, Lenormand, which today’s guest compares to the simplicity of reading a picture book.

Erika Robinson, author of, The Language of Lenormand: A Practical Guide for Everyday Divination, created a much-needed guide for this increasingly popular divination system. As a widely respected authority, Erika believes that Lenormand is not just a deck of cards but also a language that, if mastered, can help you achieve self-empowerment and the ability to attain the life you desire.

Join us for some beautiful insights, laughter, and Lenormand! Learn more about Erika’s work at and follow her on IG

Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and register for the Reiki Retreat in San Diego! Also order your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle and sign up for the newsletter while you're there! xo

Akashic Records Trilogy

Happy Monday, Alchemists!

I’m sure you’ve heard about the Akashic Records. We’ve even had discussions around it, here, on Reiki Radio. But today we are exploring how this realm of consciousness can be used as a practical resource on your path and who may enter.

Holly is an Ascension Visionary who passionately works in the Akashic Records, as a Conscious Channel and Founder of the Universal Sphere®. She’s taught spiritually-striving individuals from all over the globe to access their own Akashic Records, learn to channel, and work with Multidimensional Frequencies via the Universal Sphere. She’s facilitated thousands of 1:1 sessions with clients from all walks of life.

She is here to impart her deep understanding, gained from consistent work on both a personal and professional level, to give everyone the confidence to know that they, too, can be successful working in these sacred, spiritual and personally empowering dimensions. Be sure to download her free gift, Align with Your Highest Potential and join the upcoming Akashic Records Trilogy class on May 4th,

Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Reiki and Your Intuition

Happy Jupiter Day, Alchemist!

Today, it's just me and you. I'm here to discuss one of the most common questions I'm asked about Reiki...if it has anything to do with intuition. I have a lot to say about this from two lenses; first, what the system of Reiki is pointing to, including techniques, PLUS my opinions that are based on personal experiences through practice. Are you ready? I can't wait to hear your thoughts, so be sure to email me after the episode. Also download The Energetic Alchemist App and sign up for the newsletter at

In gassho and gratitude,


What Reiki Reveals

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

What has Reiki revealed to you, about you? Today we have an incredible conversation with Eboni Banks, who discovered her gift of clairtangency through Reiki. This is one clair that I hadn’t heard of prior to this conversation, but like me, I believe some of you will relate and realize you’ve encountered this clair, too.

Eboni Banks is an Intuitive Healer, Coach and Author. As a trauma survivor, she has learned to use spiritual resources to support her own healing and has allowed healing to be a space in which she thrives. She now teaches more people how to do the same, accessing their intuition for healing and creating their desired lives. Learn more about Eboni’s work and upcoming book, The Intuitive Nudge, at and on IG @intuitiveeboniwrites

You can also learn more about my work at and download The Energetic Alchemist app. If you gain any insights or enjoy this episode, be sure to leave a rating and review, and share with your community. I truly appreciate it! xo

New Moon in Scorpio, Oracle Readings | All Twelve Signs

This is the FIRST of a new offering on The Energetic Alchemist App.

If you want to access future New and Full Moon Readings, download the app from the Apple App Store, or Google Play for Androids.

This particular New Moon Reading is by sign, during the new moon in Scorpio, November 13, 2023. The deck used is The Energetic Alchemist Oracle.

Enjoy your Rite of Passage! xo

The Impact of Nurturing Souls

Hello, Alchemist…

Happy New Moon in Capricorn, and Happy Holidays! As we wrap up 2022, there are two more amazing guests you will meet on Reiki Radio. First up, you’ll learn from a Registered Nurse, who’s also an Energy Healer and Author, Christine Ramos.

Christine shares the importance of intuitive nurturing, which is a way of honoring the souls of everyone you encounter. She also wrote a book, A Journey Into Being, which highlights how her methods support raising children in the frequency of love and witnessing the uniqueness of their souls journeys.

This was a fascinating conversation and I’m sure you’ll resonate with so much that Christine shares, also considering your own childhood experiences. To learn more about Christine and her work, visit, and remember to order the second edition of her book!

…and don't forget to join me for online classes. There are several to choose from through my online school. Alchemy of the Oracle began this week, but you can still join us before the New year! Also grab your copy of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle deck, at

Free Class and Event to Ignite Your Practices!

Hello, alchemist!

There’s a lot of energy moving and grooving and you’re probably feeling the surge. If you want clarity around current energies, don’t forget to check out the Energy of the Month update…

…but that’s not why I’m really here. I’m here to let you in on a few things to help support clarifying your practice and current direction!


So first, how’s your practice going?


If you need a boost, something to encourage a flow of inspiration, or to reignite your connection to practice, there are some free classes/events that I want to make sure you know about. But before we get to that, I want to share another tip to support you…


Re-sit Your Class!


I just got back from spending four days with my teacher in Los Angeles. I haven’t sat in class since the pandemic, and it was more needed than I realized. The class was a mixture of those of us re-sitting and some practitioners taking Shinpiden (Reiki Master-Level) for the first time.

Why Re-Sit Class?

I have always shared the importance of practicing your practice. During the last few years, most of us found we had to practice alone, which is powerful, but there’s also magic in exchange and within community. This is exactly why I created the Alchemy Circle. We have practiced together consistently, weekly, for the last three years. Not only have we been diligent in practice, but we have grown a lot through our processes of energetic alchemy. And although I love teaching, it’s also important to remain a student.


Both of my teachers live abroad and would only come to California once a year, before COVID. My teacher, Arjava, has no plans of returning anytime soon, but my teacher, Frans, is here now for the first time since 2019. I used to re-sit class with both of my teachers, every year, because you learn more and understand in new ways as you develop and grow within your own practice. While some information seems repetitive, it all sinks in deeper, and again, may be understood from a different lens after you’ve had time to apply and practice.


This time I also realized the benefit of re-sitting because my teacher’s personal growth was evident. He has clearly expanded within his own practice, which allowed him to share with us in new ways. Not only did I experience class differently, but his offerings were a beautiful reminder that we all grow, remaining students no matter what.


The cherry on top: Reiju. If you’re a Reiki practitioner, it’s good for your practice to receive regular attunements, as this supports the connection and deepening awareness of the Great Bright Light that IS.


Then there’s the aspect of community, being able to share and exchange in person. I will continue to provide guidance, teachings and mentoring through the Alchemy Circle, but I’m also excited to teach Reiki again, which is the only class I teach in-person. So, if you ever wanted to study with me, but sure to stay tuned for upcoming emails, as I will be planning and scheduling Shoden, Okuden and Shinpiden.

Free Class and Event!

As most of you know, I have created an oracle deck, The Energetic Alchemist Oracle. There are two masterclasses available, which take you on the journey of understanding what it means to be The Seeker and The Oracle, and how to approach both aspects of you with more clarity. If you want to join me in these classes, register now because Alchemy of the Oracle only has 22 spots available, and some seats have already been filled. But prior to these courses, I am offering a FREE class, Beyond the Veil with the Oracle, on October 30th, 7am PDT / 10am EDT. This is my deep bow of gratitude for each person who has purchased the deck, showing you how to use the cards to understand YOU and your path with more clarity.


And of course, there’s Reiki! I had the pleasure of cohosting this year’s Reiki Rays, Healing Summit. When you register, you get access to FOUR interviews right away, plus you’ll be able to watch the remaining interviews for FREE on the days that they launch. If you want to have access to all interviews and be able to watch them at any time, you can get the early bird pricing, now. Either way, be sure to register so you will have some free access!


Reiki Radio

The podcast is back in full-swing, and it has been amazing to hear what so many practitioners have learned on their paths. Reiki Radio has always been a FREE space to help inform and support practitioners, globally. Be sure to subscribe on your favorite podcast platforms, and to my YouTube channel, so that you can watch some of the interviews.


That’s all for now, beauty. Enjoy the freebies and be sure to grab your copy of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle, a tool for your path of self-awakening, and I will see you in class on the 30th!


In deep gratitude,


Recognizing Your Intuition as Power

Buckle up for this conversation. We are going deep and expansive about why your intuitive recognition is important and powerful. Well, that’s part of the conversation. We’re all learning today!

Tonya Gonzalez, voted #3 psychic in the world, now holds space as a Spiritual Counselor, Bibliotherapist and Reiki-Master. Her “She Knows” mentoring program supports clients, globally, and her offerings will extend into Royal Reset Retreats next year. Tonya left her job as a Librarian in 2003 to share healing as a Kripalu certified Yoga Instructor. Since becoming a licensed Spiritual Counselor in 2007, she has turned her love of tarot cards and feminine spirituality into an international spiritual entrepreneurship. Today, Tonya continues to serve as a Healer, Teacher, Spiritual Entrepreneur and Speaker. She also writes and teaches others to empower themselves by “Writing Through Wounds”. Her courses inspire and instruct with practical daily ways to heal, respect and love thyself. Tonya believes, “by allowing our natural gifts and talents to emerge, we can truly allow ourselves to shine.” Learn more about Tonya and her work at and follow her on IG @theblackpsychiclibraian

Don't forget to subscribe to this channel, and like the videos, as this will help other Reiki practitioners to find these episodes. You can also learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, and get your limited-edition oracle deck, at

Accepting New Potentials, Intuitively

This conversation is potent! Today you will be inspired to consider your connection to intuitive awareness, how your spiritual guidance is allowed to support every area of your life and how you can live in full expression of your soul’s calling. You will also hear how being seen and known in your truest light empowers you, while being a gift to the collective. Intuitive publicist, energy healer, and psychic medium, Mona Loring, has made a successful career offering heartfelt guidance and expertise to her clients.

With over 17 years of public relations experience, her ultimate goal in all forms of her work is to help spread her clients' positive messages to the world. Prior to the company merger, Loring simultaneously ran both her PR firms, MLC PR (entertainment), and Conscious Living PR (lifestyle) and developed some of Hollywood’s hottest names; and as one of the first women in PR to embrace the need for Conscious public relations, she launched Conscious Hollywood in 2022 to bridge the gap between the entertainment and conscious industries. Throughout her PR career, Mona has developed the careers of talent such as Michael B. Jordan, Golden Globe winner Gina Rodriguez, Torrey DeVitto, Jessamyn Stanley, among others. She has an abundant portfolio of national and international secured press placements including Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Vanity Fair, GAIA, Yoga Journal, goop, MindBodyGreen, Well+Good, and more. Some notable philanthropic organizations Mona has supported through her PR work are UNICEF, Planned Parenthood, ASFP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention), ANIMALS ASIA and MAKE A WISH.

In addition to her PR practice, Mona also works as a healer with her business Conscious Healing Co. She also hosts the The Conscious Healing Podcast, a spiritual platform offering an exploration in metaphysical knowledge with the purpose of teaching listeners practical ways they can use the information to heal their mind, body and spirit.

Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

How Are You Relating to Life?

Hello beautiful, alchemist!

Within the beauty of Libra season, many people begin to analyze and recognize their experience within relationship. While this doesn’t have to be romantically inclined, it does play a part. Even more though, bigger picture, you’re being asked to consider how you’re relating to your life in its entirety.

The scales of balance are upon you.

There are parts of your life that you pour more energy into, hoping to achieve goals and desires. There are things that you prioritize and often stress over, while other areas of life are sorely neglected. You’re aware of the imbalance, and yet you may not know how to reach a state of harmony with all that you have on your plate, on your mind and in your heart.

There’s a common struggle between this and that. How do you accomplish this and that? How can you make time for this and that? How can you have it all…this and that?

One of the first things to consider is the balance of heart and mind; what you think and what you feel. When you’re torn between what you think is right and what you feel is best, the inner tug-of-war can become daunting and keep you in a state of dissatisfaction. How often do you find yourself pulled towards what you “have to do”, versus what you “want to do”, feeling the burden of imbalance?

Again, you’re being invited to consider the weighing of, the balancing of, heart and mind. Can the two coexist in harmony? Absolutely! In fact, when this occurs, you feel in flow! These are the moments when you feel everything is lining up, you’re dancing with synchronicity and excited about the experiences you’re choosing.

Here’s the thing…

These aren’t random occurrences, or don’t have to be. There is a way to manage the balance of heart mind, informing your decision making and how you relate to all areas of life, from your higher lens of understanding.

Unify the analytical and intuitive.

You’re used to functioning from a state of logic, reason…convincing yourself of this or that, despite what you may feel on a deeper level. On the other hand, there are times that you’re so caught up in the feeling of it all, that you throw logic out the window. In either scenario, you may end up feeling doubt, not fully trusting your choices and questioning if you’re doing the “right” thing. Ultimately, you question how you’re relating to and understanding your path. 

Are you on the “right” path?

As I mentioned, you’re very familiar with the analytical aspect of your mind and functionality. Unfortunately, you may not have been taught or encouraged to understand the language and messaging of the intuitive mind, which brings balance and clarity to your scope of vision and understanding. When you come into relationship with your intuitive mind, allowing harmony between the intuitive and analytical, you come into true knowing. You begin to trust your decisions; you understand how you are relating to all aspects of life, and you begin to manage it all with more wisdom!

You question and then desperately seek “right” answers for the sake of ease and grace on your path.


Alchemy of the Seeker and Alchemy of the Oracle

I created The Energetic Alchemist Oracle to support you in understanding and clarifying your path. Oracle helps you gain clarity around mind and emotion, simplifying energy around situations and how you’re relating to it all. It illuminates the sacred union between analytical and intuitive, exposing the energy expressed through all aspects of this and that.

So how are you relating to life? There’s an easy way of knowing. Which then supports you in making clearer decisions to support more balance and harmony on your path.

We’ve been through a lot in the last few years, so much of life turned upside down and forcing us into new paths, new decisions and options…emphasizing the need to relate to life in new ways.


It’s time to understand what you’re truly seeking and how to trust your way forward, with more confidence!

Right now, say yes, a BIG yes, in your heart, to accepting your way with more joy and clarity, then notice what that feels like.


Now say, YES, to creating more harmony and balance in the way you navigate and create your path moving forward.


Even say (and feel) and huge, YES, for the opportunity in helping others begin to clarify their own paths and higher potential!


There are only twenty-two spots available to join me in Alchemy of the Oracle, where you will learn and experience the gifts of balancing heart and mind. You will learn how to translate your intuitive recognition and how to create sacred relationship between the analytical and higher aspects of your consciousness!

Class begins with the foundational course, Alchemy of the Seeker. We begin during the portal of the Winter Solstice and will have a sacred ceremony of initiation during the Lunar New Year, January 22nd, before officially entering The Alchemy of the Oracle.


I’m sharing this invitation with you now to allow time to start building deep connection and relationship with your deck. I will be posting videos to support you in process, leading up to class. You will also receive an Oracle box, including an exclusive oracle cloth, TEA Oracle workbook and a few other surprises! The first ten to sign up (some alchemists already have) will also receive a handmade, wooden card stand, created by a member of our community (it’s beautiful).


Feel back into that BIG yes and let’s start the journey of relationship in higher-ways!

With love and excitement,
