
Kali Ki Reiki

Hi Alchemist!


Today you will meet Joni Dittrich, Ph.D. (Rajashree Maa), author of “May the Loveforce Be With You ~ Kali-Ki Reiki: Healing through Divine Mother and Yogic Wisdom.” The book introduces Ki Reikiâ for healing and consciousness expansion. As a yogi, meditator, and retired psychologist, Rajashree Maa sees true healing as a gateway to spiritual “wisening” and realization of the Limitless Love within us all. Her DROPPP (Deep Release of Persistent Pain Patterns) Method is a gentle and potent treatment for trauma release. She heads The Wisdom School in the Bay Area, where she offers online and in-person healing and training in Kali-Ki Reiki. Learn more on her website


Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Energy of April 2024 | Activation, Transformation and Stability

April 2024: Activation and Stability

Focus: Bold Action, Self-Focus and Values

King of the Month: Aries

Element: Fire

Mode: Cardinal

Ruling Planet: Mars

HIGHLIGHTS: Mercury Retrograde, and Total Solar Eclipse

Register for the Reiki Retreat Intensive, in San Diego, September 2024!

Whether you’re full of joyous laughter, or pouting because no one wants to play by your rules, you are causing some form of ruckus. Hello Aries. This energy is full of child-like excitement, with the temperament of a child who is spoiled. Either way it goes, your feelings or intentions will not go unnoticed. If you find yourself making a lot of noise, this is a reminder that silence, too, is golden. We often get more out of observation and listening before inserting our objectives.

Being ruled by Mars only adds fuel to the fire, but the flames aren’t always meant to burn. This energy can be channeled to heighten your drive and determination. You may feel encouraged to take bold action, distinguishing yourself from the crowd. The key will be to recognize if you’re ramming forward with assertiveness or aggression. There is a difference: play nice and be mindful of your arrangement of words.

Aries is also up for any challenge. If you have a goal in mind, but there is an obstacle in view, this energy will support you in finding a solution. And if you have ever considered taking a role in leadership, allow this energy to teach you how it’s done! While Aries can be a lot to digest (it’s hard to swallow what you can’t catch), this sign knows how to lead with authority and will inspire greatness from all whom follow. The key word here is inspire: this can be done respectfully; not all who lead have done so through fear. Ask a Libra to explain how to catch more flies with honey…because Aries isn’t here for that.

If you have a tendency to be extreme, don’t let this energy take you over the edge. Aries doesn’t do anything with subtlety. It can be okay to jump, but be mindful of your landing, while considering what you may be jumping in to. Yes, Aries will take the time to do the research, but once they have decided, it’s all or nothing. Remember, there’s balance in all things.

Gift From Aries: May you be bold in your stance, impervious to ideals that are not aligned with your vision and purpose, moving blissfully past the grips of contentment. May you have the gall to believe in yourself, first and foremost, understanding that you must be the leader of your own destination and cause. May you laugh, uproariously, shaking and dismantling any obstruction of truth.

Events of the Month, Mark Your Calendar...

  • Mercury Retrograde + Fools Day: April 1st

  • Alchemist of the Month: New Moon in Aries, Total Solar Eclipse, April 8th

  • Sun Enters Taurus: April 19th

  • Queen of the Month: Full Moon in Scorpio, April 23rd

  • Mercury Direct: April 25th

Register for the Reiki Retreat Intensive to explore your relationship to YOU and energetic alchemy!

Reiki and the Human Psyche

Hi, Alchemist!

On today's episode we explore Reiki and the Human Psyche, with Vlad Dimancea, Vlad is a Reiki enthusiast who has been studying this practice from a young age. In the last two decades he's gathered knowledge from participating in a vast number of Reiki courses, seminars, and events, eventually gaining the Master-Teacher in multiple systems such as Usui, Karuna, Shamballa, and Gendai Reiki.

Even though his passion for Reiki remains, Vlad didn't stop there as he became initiated in other practices such as Radiesthesia, Awakening the Illuminated Heart, and Tantric Healing meditations. He's also an avid traveler with a strong desire to explore and understand various cultures and the unseen connections between people. Now Vlad is teaching Reiki and offering spiritual related content on his website, which contains 100+ articles, courses, and newsletters. Visit to learn more, and you can enroll in his newsletter at

You can also get "The Ultimate Reiki Symbols Guide" book from

Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

The Brilliance of Reiki - I Can't Help But Love It!

Hello, Alchemist!

No matter how far we go in practice, and no matter how many years, Reiki can still wow us in its brilliance. It's definitley an amazing system, for so many reasons, and I want to explore some thoughts on this as a way of acknowledging my gratitude for Reiki and Usui Sensei. After the episode, please share your experiences with me - or

Reiki and Your Intuition

Happy Jupiter Day, Alchemist!

Today, it's just me and you. I'm here to discuss one of the most common questions I'm asked about Reiki...if it has anything to do with intuition. I have a lot to say about this from two lenses; first, what the system of Reiki is pointing to, including techniques, PLUS my opinions that are based on personal experiences through practice. Are you ready? I can't wait to hear your thoughts, so be sure to email me after the episode. Also download The Energetic Alchemist App and sign up for the newsletter at

In gassho and gratitude,


Reiki Blog | Challenge Your Beliefs

Morning Musings to support your personal energetic alchemy, available on The Energetic Alchemist App!

To access Creating with the Moon and Stars, FREE, sign up for my newsletter at

If there's a topic you'd like me to explore, let me know:

To activate membership in the Alchemy Circle, CLICK HERE, or access drop-in classes here on the app! xo

How to Support Your Reiki Practice

Hello, Alchemist!

Did you know there are some simple ways to support your Reiki practice?

1. Download The Energetic Alchemist App

2. Join me for Reiki Radio Roundtables on Tuesday's

3. Activate Your Membership in the Alchemy Circle

4. Subscribe to my newsletter for FREE access to 22 Days of Transformation

I look forward to working with you! Yolanda Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Star Nation Reiki

Hello, Alchemist!

Today is all about Reiki…Star Nation Reiki, with Marie Morohoshi. A daughter of immigrants, Marie is a queer nisei (second generation Japanese American) activist and Reiki-Master Teacher. Marie’s deep affinity for ceremony and nature was seeded at the age of six when she began her rigorous training in Chado (The Way of Tea) and Kado (The Way of Flowers), practices rooted in Japanese Zen Buddhism. These practices and many others that followed would lead to the cumulative effect that informs her current Reiki practice, ways of teaching and being in the world. Drawn to restoring deep reverence and relationship with nature, Marie feels most alive when she brings traditional and ancestral ways of healing together in the context of nature and ceremony. 

Marie feels most of today’s human and planetary suffering stems from its forgotten inherent relationship with the natural world and all things sacred. She contributes in whatever small way she can to restore balance to the world within her reach, including through sacred activism. 

You can contribute to Marie’s scholarship for future queer, trans and BIPOC healers at Then learn more about Marie’s work at and IG @starnationreiki

If you enjoy the episode, subscribe to this channel and share with your community. Then download The Energetic Alchemist app! Learn more at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Reiki for BIPOC

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

Today you will meet the founder of One People Toronto, Sheena Ewan. We discuss the benefits and necessity of healing spaces for BIPOC, even within the Reiki community. In 2019, Sheena was guided by her Ancestors to open OnePeopleTO, Toronto's Decolonizing Wellness & Spiritual Sanctuary to address the economic and racial disparities in wellness options and non-denominational spirituality: . In 2020, after completing a Post-Integration Training with Fluence Psychedelic Training, Sheena began trip-sitting, guiding psychedelic ceremonies, and working with other organizations to bring an inter-sectional lens to psychedelic medicine.

Sheena has worked in a university setting for almost a decade where she has been invited to facilitate workshops on Reiki and mindfulness for students, staff, and faculty. Sheena speaks on Reiki, spirituality, faith, trust, and psychedelic medicine from a healing perspective, as well as processing tools and techniques like reiki, astrology, and creativity at national and international speaking events, conferences, and retreats.

By actively healing her own incestual and racial trauma, Sheena is skilled at holding space for those who are moving through their own transformation. She encourages clients to take healing into their hands by becoming an expert in their own mental/emotional & physical bodies to foster an empowered relationship with traditional healthcare models. This often means exploring and honoring their inner life and past experiences to build resilience and redefine the lens through which they see the world.

Subscribe to this channel and download The Energetic Alchemist app! Learn more at , and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Reiki Retreats, 2023

Happy Monday, Alchemists!

There’s nothing like immersing yourself in Reiki, whether through sessions, classes or intimate spaces of self-exploration. But what if you could combine the richness of nature, with Reiki, and other practices to support your state of peacefulness, relaxation and alignment?

Today we chat with my good friend, Amy Sage, of Amy Sage Reiki. She shares what it has been like learning about herself through the practices of Reiki, as well as what it was like falling away from practice. Here are some topics discussed:

  • Working through personal resistance

  • Benefits of working through shadow Importance of community

  • Process of finding new community

  • Gratitude in sharing Effects of sound healing

  • Reiki for physical, emotional and mental aspects of self

Amy found Reiki while working in corporate and seeking ways to satisfy her hearts calling. It took years of relationship building with Reiki to allow deeper connection and trust with how she was being guided forward. Her journey is inspiring and has led her to offering amazing Reiki Retreats in Florida. Learn more about the retreats and Amy’s other services at

…and don't forget to join me for upcoming classes, register for the Reiki Healing Summit and get your limited-edition, The Energetic Alchemist Oracle deck, at

Free Class and Event to Ignite Your Practices!

Hello, alchemist!

There’s a lot of energy moving and grooving and you’re probably feeling the surge. If you want clarity around current energies, don’t forget to check out the Energy of the Month update…

…but that’s not why I’m really here. I’m here to let you in on a few things to help support clarifying your practice and current direction!


So first, how’s your practice going?


If you need a boost, something to encourage a flow of inspiration, or to reignite your connection to practice, there are some free classes/events that I want to make sure you know about. But before we get to that, I want to share another tip to support you…


Re-sit Your Class!


I just got back from spending four days with my teacher in Los Angeles. I haven’t sat in class since the pandemic, and it was more needed than I realized. The class was a mixture of those of us re-sitting and some practitioners taking Shinpiden (Reiki Master-Level) for the first time.

Why Re-Sit Class?

I have always shared the importance of practicing your practice. During the last few years, most of us found we had to practice alone, which is powerful, but there’s also magic in exchange and within community. This is exactly why I created the Alchemy Circle. We have practiced together consistently, weekly, for the last three years. Not only have we been diligent in practice, but we have grown a lot through our processes of energetic alchemy. And although I love teaching, it’s also important to remain a student.


Both of my teachers live abroad and would only come to California once a year, before COVID. My teacher, Arjava, has no plans of returning anytime soon, but my teacher, Frans, is here now for the first time since 2019. I used to re-sit class with both of my teachers, every year, because you learn more and understand in new ways as you develop and grow within your own practice. While some information seems repetitive, it all sinks in deeper, and again, may be understood from a different lens after you’ve had time to apply and practice.


This time I also realized the benefit of re-sitting because my teacher’s personal growth was evident. He has clearly expanded within his own practice, which allowed him to share with us in new ways. Not only did I experience class differently, but his offerings were a beautiful reminder that we all grow, remaining students no matter what.


The cherry on top: Reiju. If you’re a Reiki practitioner, it’s good for your practice to receive regular attunements, as this supports the connection and deepening awareness of the Great Bright Light that IS.


Then there’s the aspect of community, being able to share and exchange in person. I will continue to provide guidance, teachings and mentoring through the Alchemy Circle, but I’m also excited to teach Reiki again, which is the only class I teach in-person. So, if you ever wanted to study with me, but sure to stay tuned for upcoming emails, as I will be planning and scheduling Shoden, Okuden and Shinpiden.

Free Class and Event!

As most of you know, I have created an oracle deck, The Energetic Alchemist Oracle. There are two masterclasses available, which take you on the journey of understanding what it means to be The Seeker and The Oracle, and how to approach both aspects of you with more clarity. If you want to join me in these classes, register now because Alchemy of the Oracle only has 22 spots available, and some seats have already been filled. But prior to these courses, I am offering a FREE class, Beyond the Veil with the Oracle, on October 30th, 7am PDT / 10am EDT. This is my deep bow of gratitude for each person who has purchased the deck, showing you how to use the cards to understand YOU and your path with more clarity.


And of course, there’s Reiki! I had the pleasure of cohosting this year’s Reiki Rays, Healing Summit. When you register, you get access to FOUR interviews right away, plus you’ll be able to watch the remaining interviews for FREE on the days that they launch. If you want to have access to all interviews and be able to watch them at any time, you can get the early bird pricing, now. Either way, be sure to register so you will have some free access!


Reiki Radio

The podcast is back in full-swing, and it has been amazing to hear what so many practitioners have learned on their paths. Reiki Radio has always been a FREE space to help inform and support practitioners, globally. Be sure to subscribe on your favorite podcast platforms, and to my YouTube channel, so that you can watch some of the interviews.


That’s all for now, beauty. Enjoy the freebies and be sure to grab your copy of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle, a tool for your path of self-awakening, and I will see you in class on the 30th!


In deep gratitude,


Recognizing Your Intuition as Power

Buckle up for this conversation. We are going deep and expansive about why your intuitive recognition is important and powerful. Well, that’s part of the conversation. We’re all learning today!

Tonya Gonzalez, voted #3 psychic in the world, now holds space as a Spiritual Counselor, Bibliotherapist and Reiki-Master. Her “She Knows” mentoring program supports clients, globally, and her offerings will extend into Royal Reset Retreats next year. Tonya left her job as a Librarian in 2003 to share healing as a Kripalu certified Yoga Instructor. Since becoming a licensed Spiritual Counselor in 2007, she has turned her love of tarot cards and feminine spirituality into an international spiritual entrepreneurship. Today, Tonya continues to serve as a Healer, Teacher, Spiritual Entrepreneur and Speaker. She also writes and teaches others to empower themselves by “Writing Through Wounds”. Her courses inspire and instruct with practical daily ways to heal, respect and love thyself. Tonya believes, “by allowing our natural gifts and talents to emerge, we can truly allow ourselves to shine.” Learn more about Tonya and her work at and follow her on IG @theblackpsychiclibraian

Don't forget to subscribe to this channel, and like the videos, as this will help other Reiki practitioners to find these episodes. You can also learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, and get your limited-edition oracle deck, at

Infusing Crystal Craft with Reiki

Do you love crystals? Whether you work with them or not, there's always so much to learn about the energy of crystals and how we can incorporate these beauties into our everyday lives. On this episode you'll meet and learn from Lani Woo. I was fortunate to see her presentation on crystal craft and crystal grids last year. I was so impressed and inspired by what she shared that I had to ask her to come share with YOU, here on Reiki Radio!

Lani Woo is an initiated priestess of Oshun and a highly intuitive healer who specializes in Usui Reiki healing. Her road started in Richmond, Virginia and led her on a path to Urban and Regional Planning. Her journey continued to South Florida, where she discovered that she possessed a spiritual and healing component that was totally missing and very much needed from her technical day work. She ventured out to pursue her spiritual inklings and was led to the Usui tradition of Reiki. Lani has practiced and taught Reiki for eight years in South Florida, adding some other modalities, such as crystal healing, crystal grids and crystal divination. She enjoys incorporating new techniques of Reiki into every part of her life. To learn more about Lani and her work, visit and follow her on IG @reikibylaniwoo

Be sure to subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at - and get your limited edition Energetic Alchemist Oracle Deck! xo

Reiki, Representation and Creation

This conversation highlights why representation matters, the power of touch, dismantling the stigmas around counseling and acknowledging when we need help! I'm always amazed and thankful to hear stories of what led people into this work. Not only is it inspiring, but also reminds us that we're not the only ones seeking a return to grace, love and understanding. Our stories also amplify the generosity and compassion of spirit that seeks to support others.

Today's guest shares a gorgeous story, blending art and Reiki as lineages of healing. Kianga Jinaki is a fiber-artist who creates quilts, dolls and mixed-media works that honor Black life and culture. Her works have been been exhibited both nationally and internationally since 1991. Ms Jinaki is a 2022 recipient of the Artist Innovation Fellowship presented by the Cultural Council of Palm Beach county Florida. A teaching artist, Kianga has has worked with The Norton Museum, Spady Museum, the African American Resource Library & Cultural Center, Palm Beach & Broward county library systems providing artistic/cultural programs for the communities they serve. One of her greatest joys as an artist is working with community members to tap into their own creative rhythm. I had the pleasure of meeting Kianga during last year's annual Melanated Reiki Healers Conference. To learn more about her work, be sure to visit and follow her on IG @kiangaart_gallery

Be sure to subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at - and get your limited edition Energetic Alchemist Oracle Deck! xo