The Language of Lenormand

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

Have you ever heard of Lenormand? There are many ways to communicate with higher frequencies of consciousness, and cards are a popular way of translating the energies of what IS. You’re probably familiar with oracle or tarot, but there’s another system called, Lenormand, which today’s guest compares to the simplicity of reading a picture book.

Erika Robinson, author of, The Language of Lenormand: A Practical Guide for Everyday Divination, created a much-needed guide for this increasingly popular divination system. As a widely respected authority, Erika believes that Lenormand is not just a deck of cards but also a language that, if mastered, can help you achieve self-empowerment and the ability to attain the life you desire.

Join us for some beautiful insights, laughter, and Lenormand! Learn more about Erika’s work at and follow her on IG

Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and register for the Reiki Retreat in San Diego! Also order your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle and sign up for the newsletter while you're there! xo

The TYA Practice

Happy Monday, Alchemist,

Have you ever noticed how some things seem so easy to manifest, while relationship to other desires and goals leave you frustrated? There's a difference between appreciation and gratitude that is key to cracking open these mysteries...

Today you’ll meet David Strickle, a conscious channel and author of, The TYA Practice. David has spent a lifetime going deep into his “inner wisdom”, which he believes all humans possess but rarely fully access. He now refers to this as “The Steam”, the consciousness of pure Source intelligence accessible to all. In channeling The Stream, David has downloaded a practice called TYA (Trust Your Abundance), which includes four pillars for humans to create a life of ever-expanding abilities that support living in harmony with universal laws. According to David, with the evolution of human consciousness, the old norms are no longer relevant for more and more people. Learn more about David and his work at 

Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and register for the Reiki Retreat in San Diego! Also order your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle and sign up for the newsletter while you're there! xo

Akashic Records Trilogy

Happy Monday, Alchemists!

I’m sure you’ve heard about the Akashic Records. We’ve even had discussions around it, here, on Reiki Radio. But today we are exploring how this realm of consciousness can be used as a practical resource on your path and who may enter.

Holly is an Ascension Visionary who passionately works in the Akashic Records, as a Conscious Channel and Founder of the Universal Sphere®. She’s taught spiritually-striving individuals from all over the globe to access their own Akashic Records, learn to channel, and work with Multidimensional Frequencies via the Universal Sphere. She’s facilitated thousands of 1:1 sessions with clients from all walks of life.

She is here to impart her deep understanding, gained from consistent work on both a personal and professional level, to give everyone the confidence to know that they, too, can be successful working in these sacred, spiritual and personally empowering dimensions. Be sure to download her free gift, Align with Your Highest Potential and join the upcoming Akashic Records Trilogy class on May 4th,

Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Kali Ki Reiki

Hi Alchemist!


Today you will meet Joni Dittrich, Ph.D. (Rajashree Maa), author of “May the Loveforce Be With You ~ Kali-Ki Reiki: Healing through Divine Mother and Yogic Wisdom.” The book introduces Ki Reikiâ for healing and consciousness expansion. As a yogi, meditator, and retired psychologist, Rajashree Maa sees true healing as a gateway to spiritual “wisening” and realization of the Limitless Love within us all. Her DROPPP (Deep Release of Persistent Pain Patterns) Method is a gentle and potent treatment for trauma release. She heads The Wisdom School in the Bay Area, where she offers online and in-person healing and training in Kali-Ki Reiki. Learn more on her website


Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Energy of April 2024 | Activation, Transformation and Stability

April 2024: Activation and Stability

Focus: Bold Action, Self-Focus and Values

King of the Month: Aries

Element: Fire

Mode: Cardinal

Ruling Planet: Mars

HIGHLIGHTS: Mercury Retrograde, and Total Solar Eclipse

Register for the Reiki Retreat Intensive, in San Diego, September 2024!

Whether you’re full of joyous laughter, or pouting because no one wants to play by your rules, you are causing some form of ruckus. Hello Aries. This energy is full of child-like excitement, with the temperament of a child who is spoiled. Either way it goes, your feelings or intentions will not go unnoticed. If you find yourself making a lot of noise, this is a reminder that silence, too, is golden. We often get more out of observation and listening before inserting our objectives.

Being ruled by Mars only adds fuel to the fire, but the flames aren’t always meant to burn. This energy can be channeled to heighten your drive and determination. You may feel encouraged to take bold action, distinguishing yourself from the crowd. The key will be to recognize if you’re ramming forward with assertiveness or aggression. There is a difference: play nice and be mindful of your arrangement of words.

Aries is also up for any challenge. If you have a goal in mind, but there is an obstacle in view, this energy will support you in finding a solution. And if you have ever considered taking a role in leadership, allow this energy to teach you how it’s done! While Aries can be a lot to digest (it’s hard to swallow what you can’t catch), this sign knows how to lead with authority and will inspire greatness from all whom follow. The key word here is inspire: this can be done respectfully; not all who lead have done so through fear. Ask a Libra to explain how to catch more flies with honey…because Aries isn’t here for that.

If you have a tendency to be extreme, don’t let this energy take you over the edge. Aries doesn’t do anything with subtlety. It can be okay to jump, but be mindful of your landing, while considering what you may be jumping in to. Yes, Aries will take the time to do the research, but once they have decided, it’s all or nothing. Remember, there’s balance in all things.

Gift From Aries: May you be bold in your stance, impervious to ideals that are not aligned with your vision and purpose, moving blissfully past the grips of contentment. May you have the gall to believe in yourself, first and foremost, understanding that you must be the leader of your own destination and cause. May you laugh, uproariously, shaking and dismantling any obstruction of truth.

Events of the Month, Mark Your Calendar...

  • Mercury Retrograde + Fools Day: April 1st

  • Alchemist of the Month: New Moon in Aries, Total Solar Eclipse, April 8th

  • Sun Enters Taurus: April 19th

  • Queen of the Month: Full Moon in Scorpio, April 23rd

  • Mercury Direct: April 25th

Register for the Reiki Retreat Intensive to explore your relationship to YOU and energetic alchemy!

Reiki and the Human Psyche

Hi, Alchemist!

On today's episode we explore Reiki and the Human Psyche, with Vlad Dimancea, Vlad is a Reiki enthusiast who has been studying this practice from a young age. In the last two decades he's gathered knowledge from participating in a vast number of Reiki courses, seminars, and events, eventually gaining the Master-Teacher in multiple systems such as Usui, Karuna, Shamballa, and Gendai Reiki.

Even though his passion for Reiki remains, Vlad didn't stop there as he became initiated in other practices such as Radiesthesia, Awakening the Illuminated Heart, and Tantric Healing meditations. He's also an avid traveler with a strong desire to explore and understand various cultures and the unseen connections between people. Now Vlad is teaching Reiki and offering spiritual related content on his website, which contains 100+ articles, courses, and newsletters. Visit to learn more, and you can enroll in his newsletter at

You can also get "The Ultimate Reiki Symbols Guide" book from

Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

The Brilliance of Reiki - I Can't Help But Love It!

Hello, Alchemist!

No matter how far we go in practice, and no matter how many years, Reiki can still wow us in its brilliance. It's definitley an amazing system, for so many reasons, and I want to explore some thoughts on this as a way of acknowledging my gratitude for Reiki and Usui Sensei. After the episode, please share your experiences with me - or

Energy of March 2024 | Dreams and Actions

March 2024: Dreams and Action (Expanded Vision)

Focus: Spirituality and New Beginnings

King of the Month: Pisces

Element: Water

Mode: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Jupiter / Neptune

HIGHLIGHTS: Spring Equinox, International Astrology Day


Isn’t life magical? When you allow yourself to flow beyond limitation and delve deep into the sea of Piscean imagination, you create from a space of dream-like wonder. It’s romantic and whimsical, supporting your ability to adapt and merge with the ever-changing tides of what is seen…and unseen. Be careful not to dance too closely with delusion.

The sign of the fish, swimming in a circular pattern, creates a vortex of heightened awareness, pulling you out of perceived reality and into the realms of higher-consciousness. If you tune in, you will recognize your psychic vision with more clarity. This will help you discern what is true.

What would it take for you to lose all illusions of separation? Neptune rules Pisces, which is the planet of mysticism and transcendence. Connect with this energy and you will soon find that reality is the dream, and the dream has always been reality. A word of caution: the lines become blurred and uncomfortable unless you can take this energy for what it is; pure magic.

If you find yourself caught in indecision, be sure to check in with the flow of your emotions. What do you feel and how is this influencing your perspective? Are you swimming in logic or feeling…and can you find the balance in between? Pisces is adaptable, but this energy can cause confusion and tension when there is a forceful push to be definitive before the stream of emotions have settled.


The Piscean Gift: May you come to realize that magic is not magic at all; it is merely what you have yet to understand, and the Universe is full of the unknown, waiting to feed your curiosity. May you be so full of compassion, acknowledging your empathic nature, that you KNOW you are one with all in existence…and that the real magic is, and has always been, you.


Events of the Month...


Alchemist of the Month:

  • March 10th: New Moon in Pisces - infinite possibility


Sun Enters Aries, International Astrology Day AND Spring Equinox:

  • March 19th: spark of new life, renewal, illumination


Spring Equinox/Renewal: As you begin to realize what is no longer true for you, and begin to align with deeper understanding of who and what you are, you may feel an urge to release. Yes, you can call it “spring-cleaning”, but its more of an expansion of light. Feel your radiance as you let it go and let it flow, renewing your ways of being.


Queen of the Month:

  • March 25th: Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, in Libra - balance between self and others


Upcoming Classes:

·      March 9th: LIVE Mastermind for students of Spiritual Business Development

·      March 10th: LIVE practice and review for students of Pulse of Reiki


Download The Energetic Alchemist app and join me, Tuesdays, for The Reiki Round Tables. Then get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle and Reiki merch at! xo

Is There a Recipe for Reiki?

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

Don't forget to subscribe to Reiki Radio on your favorite podcast platform and leave us a FIVE STAR review, helping others to find these episodes. AND, join me for the FREE Reiki-Chat, Round Tables on available on app.

You can also learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, download the app, and get your limited-edition oracle deck, at

Energy of Feburary 2024 | Individuality Within Community

February 2024: Community and New Expressions

Focus: Groups and Destroying “The Box”

King of the Month: Aquarius

Element: Air

Mode: Fixed

Ruling Planet: Saturn / Uranus

HIGHLIGHTS: Black History Month, Lunar New Year (Wood Dragon), Emphasis on Individuality within Community

Okay, so last month was very you-centric, but life is all about balance, so now it’s time to spread your wings and broaden your scope. Aquarius encourages you to look far beyond yourself and consider how to create inclusion, harmony and equality.

Of course this could be a charitable endeavor, but you can use this energy in a multitude of ways. What inspires you? What matters to you? How can you make this world a better place? The key will be to think out of the box, or better yet, destroy any boxes you’ve ever created!

With so much inspiration and enthusiasm circulating through your field of consciousness, don’t lose sight of the people closest to you and your responsibilities. The best visionaries have the wisdom of knowing what’s right in front of them, presently, as the future itself. Be mindful of what you are pouring energy into today, and how it is shaping what you actualize tomorrow.

This sign of brotherly and sisterly love is ruled by Uranus, which inspires rebellion and absolute freedom of mind. Don’t get carried away by the air of this sign, though. Remember some of that structure from Capricorn, as you dare to make this world a better place! It’s takes a village to nurture the community. And although your intentions may be great, your vision can be greater when you allow yourself to honor input from other perspectives.

If you feel driven to do things your own way, against the grain, be sure to consider the impact to all parties involved. Again, this energy is about the collective, you’re not the only one who will bear the consequence of your decisions. Live and let live is beautiful, in theory, as long as we can take ownership of how we choose to live ourselves, and consider how our actions influence the whole.

The Aquarian Gift: May you become the voice of change, bringing visions of the future into present scope, encouraging the evolution of mind, body and spirit. May the beat of your drum become so infectious that every man, woman and child comes to know their own rhythm, dancing proudly in their uniqueness.

Events of the Month...

Happy Black History Month!

  • February 2, 2024 - Imbolc:What's being nurtured "in the belly" of your being?

  • February 9, 2024 - The Alchemist, New Moon in Aquarius: Have the audacity to be true to your way!

  • February 10, 2024 - Lunar New Year: Wood Dragon - Power, Authority, Ambition, Renewal...listen to the Year of the Dragon episode on Reiki Radio!

  • February 18, 2024 - Sun Enters Pisces: Let emotions move like water, and allow your healing be your muse!

  • February 24, 2024 - The Queen, Full Moon in Virgo: Enjoy service, reorganization, loving up your body, exploring in nature and exhaling the old!

  • February 29, 2024 - Leap Day: Happy Birthday!

Community: Download The Energetic Alchemist App (Apple App Store and Google Play) to explore your relationship to energetic alchemy, including live events and guided journeys!

New Expression: Spiritual Business Development: Register before Feb 15th to receive 50% off, PLUS join me for the LIVE, SBD Mastermind, March 2nd. Use coupon code: NEWYEAR

Facing Tough Conversations | The Cards You're Dealt

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

Today is my birthday and I’m excited to have this interview shared as another reason to celebrate! On this episode, I got to sit and chat with The Tarot Lady, Theresa Reed. I was so excited to discuss her new book, The Cards You’re Dealt: How to Deal When Life Gets Real. I’ve been following her work for years because Theresa, The Tarot Lady, has been a huge influence in my study and love of tarot.

But let’s talk about this new book! I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it was much more impactful than I could have imagined. Whether you want to clarify tough topics, emotions, or just need clarity around some of life’s challenges, The Cards You’re Dealt provides incredible tools to help you go deep, while staying honest and vulnerable!

Theresa is an author, teacher, and sought-after tarot reader. You can learn more about her books, classes, and other offerings at – also check out her Cover Your Ass-Trology posts on IG @thetarotlady

...and don't forget to subscribe to Reiki Radio on your favorite podcast platform and leave us a FIVE STAR review, helping others to find these episodes. You can also learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, download the app, and get your limited-edition oracle deck, at

How Relationship to Decision Impacts Your Energy

Happy Wednesday, Alchemist!

Today is a unique episode, in that you will hear some of what was shared in a recent bonus class I taught this week. It’s about how your relationship to decision making impacts your flow, or stuckness, energetically.

We will explore how you’re making decisions for yourself, as well as the impact of trying to be the decision maker for everyone else in your life. And while usually well intended, how may wanting to protect or control come into conflict with aspects of empowerment?

There’s a lot to chew on and consider, all to support us in the layers of energetic alchemy!

After the show, go to my website,, to sign up for the newsletter, get your Reiki merch and download The Energetic Alchemist app! Also subscribe to the show, wherever you’re listening…and remember to always journey in LOVE! xo

The Emerald Tablets | Book Exploration, with The Energetic Alchemist

The Emerald Tablets, Translated by Doreal

Compendium of the Emerald Tablets, by Billy Carson

Both available on Amazon

Subscribe to this channel and learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, at, and get your limited-edition of The Energetic Alchemist Oracle while you're there! xo

Year of the Dragon | Energy of 2024

Happy Monday, Alchemist!

We’ve already talked about the energy of 2024, and if you missed my Numerology 101 class yesterday, you can access the recording in my app. But today, we are going deeper to make sure you are well prepared, as we learn about the upcoming Year of the Dragon.

Anjie Cho and Laura Morris, of Mindful Design School, are back for the third year in a row, getting us alchemists ready for the Lunar New Year, which is February 10th in 2024. Anjie and Laura are practitioners and teachers of Feng Shui, and authors of mindful design books to help you manage and beautify the energies within your living and working environments. If you’ve been thinking about becoming a certified Feng Shui consultant, don’t miss out on their annual program, which starts February 4th, and you can join their Lunar New Year course, on demand.

Learn more about Anjie and Laura’s work at

...and don't forget to subscribe to Reiki Radio on your favorite podcast platform and leave us a FIVE STAR review, helping others to find these episodes. You can also learn more about Yolanda, The Energetic Alchemist, download the app, and get your limited-edition oracle deck, at

New Year Thoughts | What Do You Want to Expereince?

Happy New Year, Alchemist!

As we transition into this new energy, I’m curious to know what you’re looking forward to experiencing. Whether you enjoy resolutions, annual themes, or feel like it’s just another day…there’s a collective vibe that pulses consideration of new opportunity within our awareness. Let’s consider this together, and you can join me for a free class to prepare even more.

listen to the podcast below…

After the episode, check out the new merch and sign up for my newsletter at and download The Energetic Alchemist app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. I can’t wait to explore and dive deeper into Reiki with you this year! Remember to always journey in LOVE xo